Privacy Policy


TechTide Solutions LLC, an international software development company, together with its affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively “TechTide Solutions” or “we”), has prepared this Privacy Policy (“Policy”) to outline its online data protection practices. This Policy explains why and what information about you will be collected by TechTide Solutions when you visit its websites at, and relative subdomains (collectively “Websites”), and when you contact TechTide Solutions by sending an email, filling in the contact form or otherwise, or when you apply for a job posted on our Website. It also describes how the information about you will be used, how you, as a data subject, can control your personal data and how to get in touch with us if you need. This Policy also explains our use of cookies. Please read this Policy carefully before browsing this Website. We will process your data only as described in this Policy. Our Websites are not directed to children under the age of 16, and we do not knowingly collect personal data from children of this age group. This Policy is an integral part of the Terms of Use of this Website. We might update this Policy in the future, so please make sure to read it from time to time. Should you have any questions or comments as for this Policy, please contact us at

2. WHAT DOES TechTide Solutions DO WITH YOUR DATA?

In accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), TechTide Solutions serves as both a controller and a processor of the personal data gathered through this Website. As a controller, we are responsible for determining the utilization of personal information about you. TechTide Solutions employs the third-party service “Workable” for recruitment processing. When you submit an online job application through our Website, you furnish personal data, contact details, your CV, and other chosen information. By doing so, you agree to the collection and processing of this data by both TechTide Solutions and Workable, with TechTide Solutions acting as the data controller.


We exclusively gather the data necessary to enable your Website usage or to facilitate contact with us, strictly adhering to the provisions outlined in this Policy.

3.1 Information obtained from you Upon reaching out to us via email or the contact form, you furnish details such as your name, phone number, email address, communication content, and any data linked to the communication.

Examples of personal information provided when applying for job vacancies encompass full name, email, phone number, location, and any additional information included in your CV. You may also opt to submit other personal data, such as details of a job candidate you wish to refer. Periodically, TechTide Solutions receives personal details about individuals from global third-party sources. This may transpire when you share your CV on job boards, granting them consent to utilize and transmit your data, or if someone recommends you for potential employment, among similar scenarios. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of third-party websites before sharing your information with them.

3.2 Information obtained from your Website usage Upon visiting our Websites, we may collect the subsequent information about you:

  • Details pertaining to your device(s), particularly hardware model and operating system version.
  • Information regarding your interactions with this Website, encompassing your IP address, geographical location, browser type and version, referral source, page views, and the paths you navigate on the Website.
  • Data concerning cookies. For additional insights into the cookies employed on the Website and how to opt out, please consult section 7 of this Policy.


We exclusively process your personal data when we have a lawful basis to do so. This basis is contingent upon the purposes for which we’ve collected and require your personal data. Our processing activities are justified as follows:

4.1. Communications, based on TechTide Solutions’ legitimate interest, as per Article 6, Paragraph 1, Clause f of the GDPR:

If you’ve initiated contact with us via this website or other means, we may process your personal data to respond to your inquiries, schedule meetings, calls, Zoom sessions, or other forms of communication. It’s important to note that this communication may be recorded and stored within TechTide Solutions’ corporate system by our representatives.

4.2. Marketing and public relations, relying on your consent, as outlined in Article 6, Paragraph 1, Clause a of the GDPR:

If you visit our website, we may utilize cookies to conduct marketing research, analyze the characteristics of our website visitors, evaluate the impact of our marketing communications, align them with detected trends, plan future marketing initiatives, create analytics and profiles for business intelligence, and target our advertising efforts.
If you’re a subscriber or wish to receive our marketing materials, we may process the personal data you’ve provided to disseminate promotional content, inform you of updates and modifications to our services, send you email notifications, and deliver our email newsletters.

4.3. Recruitment:

a) With your consent, in accordance with Article 6, Paragraph 1, Clause a of the GDPR:

If you’re a prospective employee, we may process your personal data to assist you in current or future employment or collaboration with TechTide Solutions, facilitating resume submissions, online job applications, or expressing interest in relocation.

b) Based on TechTide Solutions’ legitimate interest, in alignment with Article 6, Paragraph 1, Clause f of the GDPR:

In specific cases, and solely upon client request, we may present your CV to potential clients for business engagements or to current clients for the validation of our staff members’ skill levels in service provision. Furthermore, to meet their compliance obligations, clients may require a more detailed review of your background before granting access to their protected data and facilities. Consequently, we may request additional specific information from you, such as tax numbers, work permits, citizenship status, criminal records, and other pertinent background checks mandated by specific clients for system and premises access.

4.4 Business relations, driven by TechTide Solutions’ legitimate interest, as per Article 6, Paragraph 1, Clause f of the GDPR:

If you represent a current or potential client, vendor, or business partner, we may process your personal data for tasks such as organizing contract approval, processing and signing contractual documentation, promoting our new products and services, confirming the quality of our work, inviting you to meetings and events, ensuring compliance with economic sanctions and export control lists, adhering to industry standards, meeting regulatory requirements, and fulfilling other obligations related to anti-corruption measures, fraud prevention, and anti-money laundering practices.

4.5 Corporate and investor relations, in accordance with TechTide Solutions’ compliance obligations, articulated in Article 6, Paragraph 1, Clause c of the GDPR:

If you serve as a current or prospective director or top manager of TechTide Solutions, we may process your personal data to facilitate your participation in corporate events, business trips, salary disbursement, expense coverage, maintenance of our corporate records, obligatory public disclosures and reports, compliance with auditor requests, presentation of the company and its leadership during the sales process, and fulfillment of other legal obligations. This information may also be shared within TechTide Solutions and disclosed to banks, notaries, payroll agencies, and legal advisors for the purpose of opening corporate bank accounts or other accounts.
If you are affiliated with TechTide Solutions, whether currently or potentially, we may process your personal data to facilitate your involvement in corporate events and meetings, provide you with meeting materials and reports, support your exercise of rights, fulfill mandatory public disclosures and reports, comply with auditor requests, and meet other legal obligations, including adhering to anti-money laundering requirements and disclosing beneficiaries.

4.6 Security, based on TechTide Solutions’ legitimate interest, in compliance with Article 6, Paragraph 1, Clause f of the GDPR:

If you are a website visitor, we may process your personal data to maintain the security of our website, prevent fraud, safeguard the rights and interests of TechTide Solutions and third parties, and protect intellectual property rights.
If you visit our office, we may process your personal data to monitor physical access, ensure office security, and prevent, detect, and investigate any criminal activities, misconduct, incidents, or accidents.


We may engage in various processing activities with your data, including but not limited to collecting, recording, organizing, storing, using, structuring, adapting, altering, retrieving, consulting, aligning, combining, erasing, or destructing it.

Given TechTide Solutions’ status as an international group of companies, we might transmit, disseminate, or otherwise make your data available. Subject to applicable data protection laws, your personal data may be transferred between different TechTide Solutions locations, both within and outside the European Economic Area. These transfers and processing actions are conducted only to the extent reasonably necessary for the purposes delineated in this Policy and in line with TechTide Solutions’ legitimate interests.

Furthermore, we may disclose your personal data to specific clients for the purposes of business engagement or to verify the exemplary skills of our team members. This disclosure may also extend to auditors, agencies, supervisory authorities, or other external service providers strictly on a “need-to-know” basis, a requirement to fulfill our contractual obligations.

Additionally, we may disclose your personal data when:

  • Mandated by legal requirements.
  • Linked to ongoing or prospective legal proceedings.
  • Necessary to establish, exercise, or defend our legal rights, which may include sharing information with third parties for purposes such as fraud prevention and mitigating credit risks.


As a Data Subject, you possess several rights:

  1. Information Request: You can inquire whether we hold personal information about you. If so, you have the right to know what that information is and the purpose for which we are holding or using it.

  2. Access Request: You can request access to your personal information. This enables you to receive a copy of the personal data we have about you and verify the lawfulness of its processing.

  3. Correction Request: If there are inaccuracies or incomplete information in your personal data, you have the right to request correction. We will update any incorrect or incomplete details promptly.

  4. Erasure Request: You can ask us to delete or remove your personal information if there is no valid reason for us to continue processing it. This request is applicable, especially if you’ve exercised your right to object to processing.

  5. Objection to Processing: If we are processing your personal information based on our legitimate interest (or that of a third party), and there is a specific reason in your situation that makes you want to object to this processing, you have the right to do so. You also have the right to object when we process your data for direct marketing purposes.

  6. Objection to Automated Decision-Making: If automated decision-making or profiling is occurring with your personal information, you can object to it.

  7. Restriction Request: You may request the suspension of processing your personal information. This can be useful if you want us to verify its accuracy or need time to clarify the purpose of processing.

  8. Data Portability Request: You can ask for your personal information to be provided to you or transferred to another party in an electronically usable format.

  9. Consent Withdrawal: You have the right to withdraw your consent for the collection, processing, and transfer of your personal information for specific purposes at any time. This withdrawal does not affect the legality of processing based on your earlier consent.

To exercise any of these rights, please contact us at We typically respond to such requests within one month. In some cases, we might require specific information from you to confirm your identity and ensure your rights are upheld. Please be mindful that abusing these rights may have legal consequences.


Ensuring the security of your personal data during transmission, storage, and processing is paramount to us. We employ appropriate technical and physical security measures to guard against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure, or access.

Your personal data is securely maintained by TechTide Solutions on our servers and those of cloud-based database management services like Workable, which we engage.

We adhere to strict data retention practices. We will not retain your data beyond the period necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it is being processed. Determining the appropriate retention period involves assessing the volume, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, as well as the purposes for which it is processed. We also take into account any legal obligations and the potential need to retain data for addressing complaints, queries, or protecting our legal rights in case of any legal claims. Once the data is no longer needed, we securely delete or destroy it.

In specific instances, we may retain information and documents, including electronic records containing personal data, for the following purposes:

  1. Compliance with legal requirements.
  2. Relevance to ongoing or prospective legal proceedings.
  3. Establishment, exercise, or defense of our legal rights, including sharing information with others for purposes such as fraud prevention and reducing credit risk.



When you explore the TechTide Solutions websites, we employ cookies and similar analytical codes (collectively referred to as “Cookies”) to enhance your browsing experience, comprehend usage trends, and enhance the functionality, performance, and security of the TechTide Solutions websites. Cookies are uncomplicated text-based computer files. Generally, they don’t contain personally identifiable information, but the data we store about you may be associated with information obtained through cookies.

Our websites deploy various types of Cookies, each serving distinct purposes:

  • Functional cookies: These are indispensable for enabling you to navigate TechTide Solutions websites and access their features. Functional cookies ensure proper website operation and grant access to secured sections. Examples include SID, PHPSESSID, wp-settings-X, wp-settings-time-X, etc.

  • Analytical cookies and other cookies: These aid in enhancing all our websites by collecting anonymous data about how visitors use them. They compile information about frequently visited pages and report on the occurrence of error messages. Analytical cookies examples encompass 1_P JAR, _ga, _gid, etc.

  • Third-party cookies: These assist third parties in tracking and managing the effectiveness of their websites and advertisements, as well as monitoring visitor numbers. For additional information regarding these cookies, you may refer to the respective third-party websites. Examples of third-party cookies encompass bcookie, sb, fr, spin, wd, xs, etc.

Cookies on TechTide Solutions websites may be categorized based on their validity period:

  • Persistent cookies: These are stored by web browsers and remain valid until their specified expiry date, unless users delete them prior to expiration.

  • Session cookies: These expire when the user session ends, typically when the web browser is closed.

You have the option to customize your browser settings to delete specific cookies, including those set by third parties, or even prevent websites from setting cookies altogether. However, disabling specific cookies might result in certain functions becoming inaccessible or certain website sections failing to load. For more detailed information regarding the cookies we employ, feel free to get in touch with us.